mike, jill & sophie miller

Jill and I go way back to the good old days when we were students studying in CPT. We became friends and have kept in contact ever since, so when she asked me to take photos of their new addition I jumped at the chance, as I hadn't met little Sophie yet.  I arrived the morning of the shoot so excited to meet her, and I was not disappointed, as I was greeted with such a cute and happy little 3 month old, that is totally adored by her parents and grandparents :) 

Sophie was an absolute angel and didn't squeak once , and I can see its because of her chilled and happy parents, who seem to take this new parenting thing in their stride.
Jill and Mike, you guys make the most brilliant parents and Sophie is lucky to call you Mum and Dad.

I don’t remember who told me this but they said “ there are places in your heart you didn't know existed until you have a child” and when writing this post thought of this saying because in each photo there is evidence of  the abundant love that Mike and Jill have for this little girl  xx 

The Photo shoot was all too much! 


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